Monday, 8 February 2010

Robots replace soilders?

Can war be fought by lots of well-behaved machines, making it "safer for humans"? That is the seductive vision, and hope, of those manufacturing and researching the future of military robotics.

The idea that robots can fight our wars for us is not a new concept to mankind as is the idea of ethics behind there use and how can a robot tell between friend and foe but also act within the laws of robotics. The thought has come up as robots supposedly don't have feelings or emotions if they kill someone they will have no regret and could keep on killing people until physically hindered to the extent that it can no longer achieve anything.

This has made the military think about whether it is a good idea to replace the solider completely phase him her out slightly but 'keep him/her in the loop' or to only use robotics as enhancements such as exoskeletons.

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