Saturday, 27 February 2010

Bomb finished!

Not as much work has been don e on the robot as I still seem to be stuck in the conception stage but here is the finished picture of the bomb in some background.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Some work

This is the bomb I shall be using (with texture naturally)
and I was wondering if you have any constructive criticism?
P.S. Honest Raj I drew it before I made it in 3d

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Tetsujin 28-go

The above is the adaption to anime it was first in manga.
The first manga known to have a robot controlled by someone but Tetsujin 28-go was the first to bring it to the person inside the machine.

Mazinger Z

Mazinger Z Is commonly known as the first Mecha anime with pilots controlling the machine and having names for every move that is done such as 'Rocket Punch'

R2 Robot for NASA

With the funding cuts coming around to NASA a lot of future exploration will likely have to be done by robots due to cost and this is the robot that is currently in development by NASA and General Motors.

Electric Gun

What if it rains?


One of the next steps being placed in the UAV cycle is weapons and also making it completely un-manned with no pilot

Future military?

First Robotic Brain Surgery

Automatic transport

Automatic robotic transport for taking objects around a hospital but this could go further than that and be used in the industrial area.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Robots replace soilders?

Can war be fought by lots of well-behaved machines, making it "safer for humans"? That is the seductive vision, and hope, of those manufacturing and researching the future of military robotics.

The idea that robots can fight our wars for us is not a new concept to mankind as is the idea of ethics behind there use and how can a robot tell between friend and foe but also act within the laws of robotics. The thought has come up as robots supposedly don't have feelings or emotions if they kill someone they will have no regret and could keep on killing people until physically hindered to the extent that it can no longer achieve anything.

This has made the military think about whether it is a good idea to replace the solider completely phase him her out slightly but 'keep him/her in the loop' or to only use robotics as enhancements such as exoskeletons.

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Robot Snake Hose

'Norwegian researchers have developed a hydraulically powered robot snake powerful enough to break through walls and perform life-saving operations in emergency situations.

The robot, being developed at research facility SINTEF, can climb up stairs, force its way past beams and twist itself round corners. It can be fitted with a controllable directional hose to extinguish fires.

The snake contains 20 water hydraulic motors that move the robotic joints and a similar number of valves to control the water flow to each motor. Each module consists of two hydraulic motors and two valves. The outer layer is comprised of a strong steel exoskeleton containing the joint modules, which can rotate around two orthogonal axes. The joints are controlled by custom-built electronics.

The joints are powered by 100 bars of hydraulic water pressure, enough to lift a car off the ground, giving the snake sufficient strength to break through a wall.

The snake has a wide variety of potential applications. It could fight fires where humans cannot enter due to heat or the risk of building collapse. It could also carry out underwater oil installation maintenance or rescue operations in earthquake areas and potentially explosive situations.

The snake can be fitted with a number of modules, making it possible to design snakes for different functions. These could include bringing oxygen masks to people trapped in the tunnel, lighting up the tunnel or carrying a camera that provides firefighters outside an overview of the situation without requiring them to enter.'

Robototic Mech

This is to be likely used for industrial lifting etc when more mature from this model.

Military Exo Suit

Snake robot

I pardon for the lack of English but if you look towards the end of the video you will see that there is a swimming snake in the water also

Robots Search and Rescue

Robots are currently being looked at for search and rescue ranging from snake like robots to reach where no human can reach and get through areas that would slow down most help efforts due to the inability to know what is on the other side as well as robots strong enough to pick up large objects with less chance of hurting people who may be trapped beneath.


Robots in Bomb Squad

Mr Roboto!